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Setup Product Groups

Learn how to create and use Product Groups: Product Groups can be used to include / exclude products from campaigns

Patrick Radzewitz avatar
Written by Patrick Radzewitz
Updated over a week ago


With emarketing you can create Product Groups which are used to create different subsets of your product portfolio. A Product Group can combine different filters and then be applied to a campaign. That campaign will only advertise products contained in the Product Group applied to the campaign. 

There are three different methods of Filters:

  • Automatic Productfilters (automated, will update your selection dynamically)

  • Manual Productfilters (choose your products manually from your portfolio)

  • Category Selection (based on your Webshop categories)

Automatic Productfilters are automated and dynamic. E.g.: If you setup a filter which includes new products only, it will update the product selection on a daily basis. New products in your shop system will be pushed to your Filter Set automatically.

You can also use the results from emarketing's unique price comparison feature for filtering your products. E.g.: You could setup an Automatic Productfilter which includes only products you offer at the best price on Google Shopping and Amazon. As soon as you activated a campaign using that best price filter, emarketing will check your competitor prices automatically once within 24 hours and update your product selection based on the results of the price comparison.

Manual Productfilters allow to include / exclude your products manually, you can select the desired products from your product list. You can also use Automatic Productfilters or Category Filters and combine them with Manual Filters. E. g.: You might want to select certain categories for advertising. This will include all products in those categories, but you can manually exclude single products manually. Manual Filters always override Automatic and Category Filters.

Category Selection is used to include / exlude all products contained in those categories. We will offer your complete category tree for product selection. You can choose to select complete main categories including all sub categories. Or you might want to select sub categories only.

You can setup multiple Product Filter within a productgroup, each set should contain different products. This enables you to setup dedicated ad campaigns for certain marketing purposes and / or platforms.

NOTE: When using Google Smart Shopping campaigns with Filters, make sure the number of products in your Filter Set doesn't exceed 5.000 products. This is a hard limit set by Google for Smart Shopping Campaigns. 

Create a Product Group

  • In your emarketing account, click
    Tools -> Product Groups

  • At the top-right-corner click Create Product Group:

This window opens:

  • Enter any name for your Product group:

Automatic Productfilters

Automatic Productfilters are shown on the left side of the Filter setup:

NOTE: You can find an explanation for all Filters available at the end of this page.

  • Click the filter(s) you want to use, for this example the Best Price filter is combined with the Brand filter.

  • Your selected filters will be shown to the right at Edit Filter-set:

NOTE: Some filters have to be configured after adding them to your set. E.g. the Best Price filter has two configuration options. You might want to set a value for filter tolerance. By setting a filter tolerance you can include products that you are not offering at the best price, but where the difference between your price and the cheapest competitor price does not exceed the entered value (in percent). You can also choose to ignore shipping costs for the price comparison. For the Name of brand filter you can choose if the brand name should contain a certain string or if it should exactly match the value you enter.

  • As soon as you are satisfied with your filter selection and configuration click Save Product Group.

Manual Productfilter

Manual Productfilters can be activated on the top of the Filter setup window:

  • Click the Manual Product Selection to include or exclude products:

  • Click the Plus or Minus icon, to include or exclude products manually from your Filter Set

  • To the right you can see which products where included / excluded so far:

  • You can search the product list for products by entering a search string into the search box above the product listing:

  • When you are finished with manual selection, click Back to turn to filter edit:

  • As soon as you are satisfied with your filter selection and configuration click Save Product Group.

Category Selection

Category filters make it easy to include or exclude all products from certain Webshop categories. You find Category Selection right under the Manual Productfilter.

  • On the left side, click the Category selection box:

  • A window with all categories from your Webshop will be presented:

  • Click a category name to show all contained sub categories, this will not select the main or sub categories: 

  • Tick a category box to select all contained products (the number to the right of the category name shows the number of products included in that category):

NOTE: You can select complete main categories including all sub categories as well as you can select sub categories only. For the example shown above only the sub category was selected, indicated by the checkmark left to the category name. 

  • You can search the category tree for certain categories by entering their name in to the search box above the category tree:

  • When you are finished with manual selection, click Back:

  • As soon as you are satisfied with your filter selection and configuration click Save Product Group.

Display products contained in a Filter Set

All available Product Groups will be listed in the Overview (

  • Your new Product Group will be shown in the Product Group Overview:

  • To show all products contained in a Product Group, click right in the Product Group, the main window shows all products contained in that set:

  • You can check if the desired products are contained in your set by using the search box above the product list:

  • If you are not satisfied, you can edit the Product Group anytime. Just click on the orange pen:

Applying Product Groups to campaigns

You can apply a Product Group either to an existing campaign, or create a new campaign using a Product Group. Click here to learn more about campaign creation / editing.

Automatic Filter Overview

  • Use this filter if you want to include products only which were sold through your Google Shopping campaign within the last 30 days. This filter might be used to setup a campaign with higher budget advertising only products that have proven to sell through Google Shopping. This is a dynamic filter, products will automatically be added or removed based on changing performance data from Google Ads. This filter has no configuration options.

  • Includes only products with GTIN (barcode, such as EAN, ISBN, UPC, JAN). This is a dynamic filter, products will automatically be added or removed based on changing product data from your Google Merchant Center data feed. This filter has no configuration options. 

  • Includes only products where the ROAS (Return on advertising spend) matches user defined thresholds. This is a dynamic filter, products will automatically be added or removed based on changing performance data from Google Ads. This filter must be configured, please define the minimum number of clicks and the minimum ROAS allowed before a product will be removed from the campaign. 

  • Includes only products which were uploaded to Google for the first time after a user definable period of time (in days). This is a dynamic filter, products will automatically be added or removed based on changing product data from your Google Merchant Center data feed. This filter must be configured, please define the number of days.

  • Includes only products where you have the best price based on the emarketing price comparison. When activated, the price crawler will automatically compare your prices on Google Shopping every day and include / exclude products based on the results. This filter can be configured, you might set a tolerance in percent. E.g. if you set the filter tolerance to 10%, all products will be included where you have the best price or the difference to the cheapest competitor is not greater than 10%.
    NOTE: This filter works only for products with valid GTIN (barcodes such as EAN, ISBN, UPC, JAN).

  • Includes only products where the brand name contains or equals a user defined value. This is a dynamic filter, products will automatically be added or removed based on changing product data from your Google Merchant Center data feed. This filter must be configured, please enter a string that must match the brand name.

  • Includes only products where the product price is above or below a user defined value. This is a dynamic filter, products will automatically be added or removed based on changing product data from your Google Merchant Center data feed. This filter must be configured, please define the price and if a product should be included or excluded if it's above or below the defined value.

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